

# Create symbolic link
cmd /c mklink path\to\symlink target\file
cmd /c mklink /d path\to\symlink target\directory
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink `
         -Path path\to\symlink `
         -Name symlink_name `
         -Target path\to\target

# Create hard link
New-Item -ItemType HardLink `
         -Path path\to\hardlink `
         -Name hardlink_name `
         -Target path\to\target

Set Command Aliases

# If return false, then need to perform the next step
Test-Path $profile

# It will create or override a file at `$profile`
New-Item -path $profile -itemtype file -Force

# Set aliases
function shortcut {command}

# Executed this as administrator
Set-Executionpolicy Remotesigned

Show Environment Varibles

(type env:path) -split ';'