
C 语言笔记



char 分为 signed char 和 unsigned char,其中 gcc 默认是 signed char。二者当字符用时并无差别,但是当整数用时,会因符号扩展的不同产生差别。因此若有代码移植需求,最好使用 stdint.h 中的 int8_tuint8_t


char c = 0xff;
printf("%s", c == 0xff ? "True" : "False");

这样在 gcc 中打印的是 False,因为这里的 char 是有符号的,又会在参与运算前被提升为 int,变为 -1,而 0xff 是 255,所以不相等。

常见的字符的 ASCII 码如下:

  • 数字为 48~57 (0x30~0x39)
  • 大写字母为 65~90 (0x41~0x5A)
  • 小写字母为 97~122 (0x61~0x7A)
  • 空格为 32 (0x20)
  • \0, \b, \t, \n, \r 依次为 0x00, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0D



  • short 为短整型,至少 16 位,转换说明符为 hd/hu
  • int 为整型,至少 16 位,通常为 32 位,转换说明符为 d/u
  • long 为长整型,至少 32 位,后缀为 l/L,转换说明符为 ld/lu
  • long long 为长长整型,至少 64 位,后缀为 ll/LL,转换说明符为 lld/llu

上述整型默认是有符号的,若要表示无符号整数,可在后缀加上 u/U。此外还有进制的区别:

  • 二进制整数前缀为 0b/0B
  • 八进制整数前缀为 0,转换说明符为 o
  • 十六进制整数前缀为 0x/0X,转换说明符为 x/X


  • float 为单精度浮点数,长 32 位,有 6-7 个有效数字,后缀为 f/F
    • 1 个符号位,8 个指数位,23 个尾数位
  • double 为双精度浮点数,长 64 位,有 15-16 个有效数字,为默认类型
    • 1 个符号位,11 个指数位,52 个尾数位
  • long double 为长双精度浮点数,至少长 128 位,后缀为 l/L

  • 对于 scanf() 函数,float 使用 %f,double 使用 %lf,long double 使用 %Lf

  • 对于 printf() 函数,float 和 double 使用 f/F/e/E/g/G,long double 还要额外加上 L 长度修饰符,l 会被忽略
    • e/E 表示使用指数形式,g/G 表示使用合适的形式,大写则表示使用指数形式时会使用大写字母
    • 当使用精度修饰符时,会自动四舍五入

浮点数的合法的写法有: .2, 100., .8E-5 (不能有空格出现), 0x0.1ap8 (等于 (0 + 1/16 + 10/256) * (2^8) = 26) 等


  • char 和 short 在参与运算前,必须先转换为 int 或 unsigned int
  • float 在参与运算前,必须先转换为 double
  • 当有符号整数和无符号整数同时存在时,有符号整数会转换为无符号整数,具体做法是取模,如以下程序,其输出为 -5 4294967291
int a = -10;
unsigned int b = 5;
if (a + b > 0) {
    if ((-a) + b > 0) {
        printf("%d %u", a + b, a + b);


  • / 有符号数的除法的结果向零取整
  • % 结果的符号取决于左操作数,例如 -11 % ±5 = -1
  • , 返回最后一个表达式的值,若在函数调用中使用则必须在括号中
  • = 左操作数必须为可修改的左值,返回右操作数的值
  • sizeof 返回占用的字节数,类型名必须在括号中


名称 运算符 结合律
后缀运算符 [] () . -> 从左到右
一元运算符 ++ -- ! ~ + - * & sizeof (type) 从右到左
乘除法运算符 * / % 从左到右
加减法运算符 + - 从左到右
移位运算符 << >> 从左到右
关系运算符 < <= > >= 从左到右
相等运算符 == != 从左到右
位运算符 AND & 从左到右
位运算符 XOR ^ 从左到右
位运算符 OR | 从左到右
逻辑运算符 AND && 从左到右
逻辑运算符 OR || 从左到右
条件运算符 ? : 从右到左
赋值运算符 = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= 从右到左
逗号运算符 , 从左到右
  • int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4, a<b?a:c<d?c:d = 1
  • int i=101, (i++)/2 = 50
  • char c ='w', c+='A'-'a'=='W' 值为'w',而非1
  • 0xFFFFFFFD & 0xF == 13 值为0,而非1
  • int x=-1, printf("%d",(unsigned int)x ) 输出为-1而非255,因为%d
  • 取模只能用于整数


访问 volatile 对象、修改对象、修改文件或调用执行上述操作的函数,都会产生副作用 (Side Effects),即改变了执行环境的状态。

在执行序列中某些特定的点称为序列点 (Sequence Points),在此点之前的所有副作用都应已完成,后续求值的副作用还未发生。序列点会在 &&, ||, ?, , 的左侧产生。


  • 使用字符串字面量初始化字符数组时,会复制该字符串字面量到数组中
  • 使用字符串字面量初始化字符指针时,字符指针会指向该字符串字面量,该字符串字面量存在常量数据段中,不可修改


size_t strlen( const char *str )

int strcmp( const char *lhs, const char *rhs )
int strncmp( const char *lhs, const char *rhs, size_t count )

char *strchr( const char *str, int ch )
char *strrchr( const char *str, int ch )

char *strcat( char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src )
char *strncat( char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src, size_t count )

char *strcpy( char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src )
char *strncpy( char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src, size_t count )
  • strlen(str) 返回字符串长度,不包括空字符

  • strcmp(lhs, rhs) 以字典顺序比较两个字符串,若 lhs 小于 rhs 则返回负整数,大于则返回正整数,等于则返回零,具体值由编译器决定

  • strncmp(lhs, rhs, count) 最多比较 count 个字符,若始终相等则返回零

  • strchr(str, ch) 返回指向第一个 ch 的指针,若找不到则返回 NULL,ch 可为末尾空字符

  • strrchr(str, ch) 返回指向最后一个 ch 的指针

  • strcat(dest, src) 将 src 附加到 dest 末尾,并返回 dest 的副本,当目标数组不够长、两个字符串重叠、字符串无末尾空字符时,行为是未定义的

  • strncat(dest, src, count) 最多复制 count 个字符,遇到空字符则会在复制完后停止,否则在复制完后还会额外复制一个空字符

  • strcpy(dest, src) 将 src 复制到 dest,并返回 dest 的副本,当目标数组不够长、两个字符串重叠、字符串无末尾空字符时,行为是未定义的

  • strncpy(dest, src, count) 最多复制 count 个字符,不会额外复制一个空字符


int sprintf( char *restrict buffer, const char *restrict format, ... )
int snprintf( char *restrict buffer, size_t bufsz,
              const char *restrict format, ... )

int sscanf( const char *restrict buffer, const char *restrict format, ... )
  • sprintf(buffer, format, ...) 将格式化结果写入字符串 buffer,并额外附加一个空字符
  • snprintf(buffer, bufsz, format, ...) 最多写入 bufsz - 1 个字符,并额外附加一个空字符
  • sscanf(buffer, format, ...) 从字符串 buffer 格式化读取数据,并返回成功赋值的参数数量


char *itoa( int value, char* str, int base)
char *ltoa( long value, char* str, int base)
char *ltoa( long long value, char* str, int base)

int atoi( const char *str )
long atol( const char *str )
long long atoll( const char *str )
double atof( const char* str )

long strtol( const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end, int base )
long long strtoll( const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end, int base )

float strtof( const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end );
double strtod( const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end );
long double strtod( const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end );
  • itoa/ltoa/lltoa(value, str, base) 将整数转换为指定进制的字符串
  • atoi/atol/atoll(str) 将 str 转换为整数或浮点数,会抛弃所有前面的空白字符,然后取尽可能多的字符来表示一个有效结果,若转换失败则返回零

  • strtol/strtoll(str, str_end, base) 将 str 转换为整数

    • str_end 指向字符指针,存储转换结束的位置,若为 NULL 则被忽略
    • base 可为 0 或 2~36,若为 0,则由整数的前缀决定相应进制
  • strtof/strtod/strtold(str, str_end) 将 str 转换为浮点数


int isalnum( int ch )
int isalpha( int ch )
int isdigit( int ch )
int isxdigit( int ch )

int islower( int ch )
int isupper( int ch )

int isblank( int ch ) // ' ', '\t'
int isspace( int ch ) // ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v', '\f'

int ispunct( int ch ) // !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
int iscntrl( int ch ) // i.e. codes 0x00-0x1F and 0x7F

int isgraph( int ch ) // 检查给定字符是否具有图形表示
int isprint( int ch ) // 检查给定字符是否可以打印

int tolower( int ch )
int toupper( int ch )



[] 和 () 的优先级高于 *,故下列定义依次为:

  • int * p[2] 一个存储整数指针的数组
  • int (* p)[2] 一个指向整数数组的指针
  • int * p[3][4] 一个存储了 12 个整数指针的二维数组
  • int (* p)[3][4] 一个指向二维数组的指针
  • int (* p[3])[4] 一个数组,存储了 3 个指向长度为 4 的整数数组的指针
  • int (* pf[3])(char) 一个数组,存储了三个指向函数的指针

  • const int * p int const * p 指针指向的值为常量,但是可通过其他指针修改

  • int * const p 指针为常量,不可指向其他值
  • const int * const p 指针和指向的值皆为常量,不可修改
  • 将带有 const 限定符的变量的地址,或指向常量的指针赋值给普通指针时,编译器会警告

  • int a[5][5][5] 在类型转换中可写为 int (*)[5][5],在函数原型中可写为 int a[][5][5]int (*a)[5][5]


  • int a[5] 不做初始化
  • int a[5] = {} 全部初始化为 0
  • int a[5] = {1} 部分初始化为指定值,剩余部分初始化为 0,超出部分无效且会报错
  • int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 数组长度等于指定的元素个数
  • int a[] = {1, [3] = 1, 1} 使用指定初始化器,该示例会被初始化为 1 0 0 1 1
  • 多维数组初始化时,若元素被大括号包裹,则会自动扩充为对应长度的数组

  • 数组在初始化后不可以被赋值,指针在初始化后还可以被赋值

  • 在将函数赋值给函数指针时,& 是可选的
  • 在通过函数指针调用函数时,* 是可选的



  • 结构体可作为参数传递,可作为返回值返回,还可赋值给另一个结构体,当结构体较大时最好使用结构体指针


struct tag {
} variable-list;

typedef struct LNode {
  int data;
  struct LNode *next;
} *List;
  • 结构体的定义包括标签、成员列表和变量列表
  • 结构体的定义可以在 typedef 中进行,但在使用自身作为成员时不能使用新别名作为类型名


struct Graph G = {
    4, 2,
        {1, 2, 3, 4},
        {5, 6, 7, 8},
struct Graph G = {
    .col = 4, .row = 2,
    .G = {
        {1, 2, 3, 4},
        {5, 6, 7, 8},


struct List {
    int length;
    int data[];

struct List *L = malloc(sizeof(struct List) + n * sizeof(int));
  • 伸缩型数组成员必须是结构的最后一个成员,且不能为唯一的成员
  • 伸缩型数组成员不占内存,使用前需要调用 malloc() 为结构体指针分配内存
  • 有伸缩型数组成员的结构体最好不要用于传值、作为数组成员和作为结构体成员


struct Person  
    int age;
    int weight;
    struct {  
      char firstName[20];
      char lastName[20];
  • 可以像访问结构中的其他成员一样,直接访问匿名结构中的成员



union tag {
} variable-list;
- 联合只能存储一个值 - 联合占用的内存足以存储联合中最大的成员 - 联合需要使用 . 来访问成员,成员的数据类型决定了怎样写入或读取

  • union Data a = {5} 初始化联合的第一个元素
  • union Data a = {.num = 5} 使用指定初始化器进行初始化


struct Person {
    char name[30];
    int age;
    union {
        char gender;
        int id;
  • 可以像访问联合中的其他成员一样,直接访问匿名联合中的成员



enum {
} day;
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

enum color {red, orange, yellow=-2, green, blue, violet};
// 0 1 -2 -1 0 1
  • 可以直接使用枚举中定义的标识符,如 MON red,这些都是常量,不可赋值
  • 枚举值默认从 0 开始,后一枚举值为前面加一,可指定枚举值

Storage, Linkage and Memory

storage class


  • block scope : visible from the point it is defined until the end of the block containing the definition.
  • file scope : visible from the point it is defined to the end of the file containing the definition. File scope variables are also called global variables .
  • function scope : applies just to labels used with goto statements. Even if a label first appears inside an inner block in a function, its scope extends to the whole function.
  • function prototype scope : applies to variable names used in function prototypes, e.g. void f(int n, int a[n]);


  • Variables with block scope, function scope, or function prototype scope have no linkage.
  • external linkage : can be used anywhere in a multifile program.
  • internal linkage : can be used anywhere in a single translation unit.

storage duration

  • Scope and linkage describe the visibility of identifiers. Storage duration describes the persistence of the objects accessed by these identifiers.
  • automatic storage duration : have memory allocated for them when the program enters the block in which they are defined, and the memory is freed when the block is exited.
    • Variable-length arrays provide a slight exception in that they exist from the point of declaration to the end of the block rather than from the beginning of the block to the end.
  • static storage duration : exists throughout program execution.
    • For a variable to have block scope but static storage duration, exists from the time the program is loaded until the program terminates.
  • thread storage duration : exists from when it’s declared until the thread terminates.
    • Such an object is created when a declaration that would otherwise create a file scope object is modified with the keyword _Thread_local.
    • When a variable is declared with this specifier, each thread gets its own private copy of that variable.
  • allocated storage duration : exists from when the memory is allocated until it's freed, stored in heap.

storage-class specifier

  • auto : declare a varible belonging to automatic storage class(i.e. automatic varible) which has automatic storage duration, block scope, and no linkage.

    • automatic variables are not initialized unless you do so explicitly.
    • automatic varibles are stored in stack.
  • register: declare a varible belonging to register storage class(i.e. register varible) which has automatic storage duration, block scope, and no linkage.

    • register variables are stored in the CPU registers or, more generally, in the fastest memory available, where they can be accessed and manipulated more rapidly than regular variables.
    • you can’t take the address of a register variable whether or not your request is approved.
  • static: declare a varible belonging to static storage class(i.e. static varible) which has static storage duration. It has block scope and no linkage if declared in a block, or has file scope and internal linkage if declared outside of any function.

    • static variables and external variables are already in place after a program is loaded into memory and is initialized just once. It’s initialization statement won't execute during runtime.
    • can’t use static for function parameters
    • static variables are initialized to zero if you don’t explicitly initialize them to some other value.
    • static local varible can also hide global varible.
    • static varibles are stored in static memory.
    • define static function
  • extern: declare a varible belonging to external storage class(i.e. external varible) which has static storage duration, file scope, and external linkage.

    • an external variable is created by placing a defining declaration outside of any function.
    • If a particular external variable is defined in one source code file and is used in a second source code file, declaring the variable in the second file with extern is mandatory.
    • an external variable can additionally be declared inside a function with extern to document your intention of using the static variable created previously instead of creating a new automatic varible.
    • declaration with extern does not cause space to be allocated, so don’t use the keyword to create an external definition
    • define external function which is default
  • _Thread_local : may be used together with static and extern.

  • typedef : doesn’t say anything about memory storage, but it is thrown in for syntax reasons.

Dynamic memory management

// Allocate size bytes of uninitialized storage.
void *malloc( size_t size );

// Allocate memory for a num * size array and initializes all bytes to zero.
void *calloc( size_t num, size_t size );

// Reallocates the given area of memory.
// It must be previously allocated by malloc(), calloc() or realloc().
// If ptr is NULL, the behavior is the same as calling malloc(new_size).
// If possible, the contents of the area remain unchanged.
// If the area is expanded, the contents of the new part are undefined.
void *realloc( void *ptr, size_t new_size );

// Deallocates the space previously allocated by malloc(), calloc() or realloc().
void free( void *ptr );

Type Qualifier

  • const : to share const data across files, can define global varibles with static in header
  • volatile : tells the compiler that a variable can have its value altered by agencies other than the program, which facilitates compiler optimization.
    • A value can be both const and volatile.
  • restrict : can be applied only to pointers, and it indicates that a pointer is the sole initial means of accessing a data object.
    • the compiler can’t check whether you obey this restriction.
  • _Atomic : While a thread performs an atomic operation on an object of atomic type, other threads won’t access that object.

File Input/Output

File access

// Opens a file indicated by filename and returns a pointer to the file stream.
// On error, returns a null pointer.
FILE *fopen( const char *restrict filename, const char *restrict mode );

// First, attempts to close the file associated with stream, ignoring any errors.
// Then, attempts to open the file specified by filename using mode,
// and associates that file with the file stream pointed to by stream.
// can be used to redirect files in program
FILE *freopen( const char *restrict filename, const char *restrict mode,
               FILE *restrict stream );

// Any unwritten buffered data are flushed to the OS.
// Any unread buffered data are discarded.
// ​0​ on success, EOF otherwise.
int fclose( FILE *stream );

// For output streams, writes any unwritten data from the stream's buffer to the associated output device.
// For input streams, the behavior is undefined.
// If stream is a null pointer, all open output streams are flushed.
// ​0​ on success, EOF otherwise.
int fflush( FILE *stream );

// Set the buffer for a file stream.
// If buffer is null, equivalent to setvbuf(stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0), which turns off buffering.
void setbuf( FILE *restrict stream, char *restrict buffer );

// Changes the buffering mode of the given file stream stream.
// _IOFBF   full buffering
// _IOLBF   line buffering
// _IONBF   no buffering
int setvbuf( FILE *restrict stream, char *restrict buffer,
             int mode, size_t size );

File access flags

Mode string Meaning Explanation If file already exists If file does not exist
r read Open a file for reading read from start failure to open
w write Create a file for writing destroy contents create new
a append Append to a file write to end create new
r+ read extended Open a file for read/write read from start failure to open
w+ write extended Create a file for read/write destroy contents create new
a+ append extended Open a file for read/write write to end create new
  • File access mode flag b can optionally be specified to open a file in binary mode. This flag has no effect on POSIX systems, but on Windows it disables special handling of \n and \x1A.
  • File access mode flag x can optionally be appended to w or w+ specifiers. This flag forces the function to fail if the file exists, instead of overwriting it. (C11)
  • In update mode (+), both input and output may be performed, but output cannot be followed by input without an intervening call to fflush, fseek, fsetpos or rewind, and input cannot be followed by output without an intervening call to fseek, fsetpos or rewind, unless the input operation encountered end of file. In update mode, implementations are permitted to use binary mode even when text mode is specified.


Direct input/output

// In Windows, need to open file in binary mode

// Read count objects into the array buffer from the given input stream stream.
// Return the number of objects read successfully.
size_t fread( void *restrict buffer, size_t size, size_t count,
              FILE *restrict stream );

// Write count of objects from the array buffer to the output stream stream.
// Return the number of objects write successfully.
size_t fwrite( const void *restrict buffer, size_t size, size_t count,
               FILE *restrict stream );

double old[1] = {3.6};
double new[1] = {};
FILE * fo = fopen("aaa.txt", "wb");
fwrite(old, 8, 1, fp);
fread(new, 8, 1, fp);
printf("%lf\n", new[0]);

Unformatted input/output

// Reads the next character from the given input stream.
// On success, returns the obtained character as an int. On failure, returns EOF.
int fgetc( FILE *stream );

// Writes a character ch to the given output stream stream.
// On success, returns the written character. On failure, returns EOF.
int fputc( int ch, FILE *stream );

// Read at most count - 1 characters from the given file stream.
// Stop if '\n' is found, in which case str will contain '\n', or if EOF occurs.
// Write a null character immediately after the last character written to str.
// Return str on success, null pointer on failure.
char *fgets( char *restrict str, int count, FILE *restrict stream );

// Writes every character from the null-terminated string str to the stream.
// The terminating null character from str is not written.
// On success, returns a non-negative value. On failure, returns EOF.
int fputs( const char *restrict str, FILE *restrict stream );

// If ch is not EOF, push ch into the input buffer associated with the stream.
// On success ch is returned. On failure EOF is returned.
int ungetc( int ch, FILE *stream );
// Reads stdin into the character array pointed to by str.
// Stop if a newline character is found or end-of-file occurs.
// Write a null character immediately after the last character written to str.
// The newline character is discarded but not stored in the buffer.
char *gets( char *str );

// Reads characters from stdin until a newline is found or end-of-file occurs.
// Writes only at most n-1 characters into the array.
// The newline character, if found, is discarded.
// Return str on success, a null pointer on failure.
char *gets_s( char *str, rsize_t n );

// Writes every character from str and one additional '\n' to the stdout.
// The terminating null character from str is not written.
// On success, returns a non-negative value. On failure, returns EOF.
int puts( const char *str );

Formatted input/output

int fscanf( FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, ... );
int fprintf( FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, ... );

File positioning

// Returns the file position indicator for the file stream stream.
// In binary mode, return the number of bytes from the beginning of the file.
// In text mode, what return is unspecified and only meaningful in fseek().
long ftell( FILE *stream );

// Sets the file position indicator to the value pointed to by offset.
// origin can have one of the following values: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END.
// offset can be negative value, e.g. -5L
int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int origin );

// Moves the file position indicator to the beginning of the given file stream.
void rewind( FILE *stream );


// Checks if the end of the given file stream has been reached.
// nonzero value if the end of the stream has been reached, otherwise ​0​.
int feof( FILE *stream );
// Checks the given stream for errors.
// Nonzero value if the file stream has errors occurred, ​0​ otherwise.
int ferror( FILE *stream );
// Prints a textual description of the error code stored in errno to stderr.
void perror( const char *s );

// Deletes the file identified by character string pointed to by fname.
int remove( const char *fname );
// Changes the filename of a file.
int rename( const char *old_filename, const char *new_filename );

Bit manipulation

Bitwise operator

  • Bitwise Negation: ~
  • Bitwise AND: &
    • Mask, a & MASK
    • Reset bits, a & ~MASK
    • Check bits, a & MASK == MASK
  • Bitwise OR: |
    • Set bits, a | MASK
  • Bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR: ^
    • Toggle bits, a ^ MASK
  • Bitwise Left Shift Operator: <<
    • operand must have integral type
    • for type smaller than int, shift as int and return int
    • fill 0 on the right
  • Bitwise Right Shift Operator: >>
    • operand must have integral type
    • for type smaller than int, shift as int and return int
    • for unsigned type, fill 0 on the left
    • for signed type, fill sign on the left

Bit field

struct {
    unsigned field1 : 1;
    unsigned        : 2;
    unsigned field2 : 1;
    unsigned        : 0;
    unsigned field3 : 1;    //field3存储在下一个unsigned int中
} bit, *pbit;

bit.field1 = 1;
pbit->filed3 = 0;
  • 字段不允许跨越两个unsigned int 之间的边界,编译器会自动移动跨界的字段
  • 可用未命名字段填充未命名的“洞”
  • 可用宽度为0的未命名字段迫使下一个字段与下一个整数对齐


_Alignas _Alignof




  • 首先,将源代码出现的字符映射到源字符集,该过程处理多字节字符和三字符序列
  • 第二,定位每个反斜杠后面出现换行符的实例,并将其删除,将物理行转换为逻辑行,使表达式成为一行
  • 将文本划分成预处理记号序列、空白序列和注释序列。编译器用一个空格字符替换每一条注释,预处理指令中的注释将会被替换


  • 定义从定义处至文件末尾有效
  • #开始,到第一个换行符为止
  • 分为对象宏、类函数宏和空宏
  • 由三部分组成:
    • 预处理指令,如#define
    • 宏:不允许有空格,只能使用字母、数字和下划线,首字符不能是数字。分为类对象宏和类函数宏
    • 替换列表/替换体



#define SQUARE(X) ((X)*(X))
#define PSQR(X) printf("the square of " #X " is %d\n", ((X)*(X)))
  • 分为宏标识符(如SQUARE),宏参数(如X)和替换列表(如((X)*(X))
  • 双引号中的宏不会被替换,但可用预处理运算符#将记号转换为字符串


#define XNAME(n) x ## n
#define PRINT_XN(n) printf("x" #n " = %d\n", x ## n)
  • 可用于类函数宏和对象宏,起记号粘合剂的作用


#define PR(X, ...) printf("Message " #X ": " __VA_ARGS__)

PR(1, "x = %.2f, y = %.4f\n", x, y);
  • 省略号只能代替最后的宏参数


__FILE__    //当前文件名
__DATE__    //预处理的日期
__TIME__    //翻译代码时的时间
__LINE__    //当前所处行号
__func__    //当前所处函数
__STDC_VERSION__  //支持C99标准,设置为199901L;支持C11标准,设置为201112L


#include <stdio.h>          //查找系统目录
#include "hot.h"            //查找当前工作目录
#include "usr/biff/p.h"     //查找指定目录



#undef LIMIT


#ifdef MAVIS
    #include "horse.h"
    #define STABLES 5
    #include "cow.h"
    #define STABLES 15
#ifndef SIZE
  #define SIZE 100
#if SYS == 1
    #include "ibmpc.h"
#elif SYS == 2
    #include "vax.h"
#elif SYS == 3
    #include "mac.h"
    #include "general.h"

#line 和 #error

#line 1000
#line 10 "cool.h"

#if __STDC_VERSION__ != 201112L
  #error Not C11


#pragma nonstandardtreatmenttypeB on

#define PRAGMA(X) _Pragma(#X)


#define MTYPE(X) _Generic((X),\
    int: "int",\
    float: "float",\
    double: "double",\
    default: "other"\

C functions


int printf(const char *format, ...)
// Return number of characters transmitted to the output stream.
// Or return negative value if an output error or an encoding error occurred.
// float arguments are always promoted to double when used in a varargs call.

// Format placeholder syntax

// flags field
-   Left-align the output of this placeholder.
+   Prepends a plus for positive signed-numeric types.
space   Prepends a space for positive signed-numeric types.
0   When the 'width' option is specified, prepends zeros for numeric types.
''  The integer or exponent of a decimal has the thousands grouping separator 
#   For g and G types, trailing zeros are not removed.
    For f, F, e, E, g, G types, the output always contains a decimal point.
    For o, x, X types, the text 0, 0x, 0X, respectively, is prepended to non-
    zero numbers.

// width field
Specify a minimum number of characters to output
// precision field
specify a maximum limit on the output.
For floating-point types, it specifies the number of digits of mantissa.
For the string type, it limits the number of characters.
The precision field can be a dynamic value with '*'.
For example, printf("%.*s", 3, "abcdef") will result in "abc".

// length field
hh  For integer types, expect an int-sized integer promoted from a char.
h   For integer types, expect an int-sized integer promoted from a short.
l   For integer types, expect a long-sized integer argument.
        For floating-point types, this is ignored.
ll  For integer types, expect a long long-sized integer argument.
L   For floating-point types, expect a long double argument.
z   For integer types, expect a size_t-sized integer argument.
j   For integer types, expect a intmax_t-sized integer argument.
t   For integer types, expect a ptrdiff_t-sized integer argument.

// type field
d, i    int as a signed integer. %i will interpret a number as hexadecimal if 
        it's preceded by 0x, and octal if it's preceded by 0.
u   Print decimal unsigned int.
f, F    double in normal (fixed-point) notation.
        inf, infinity and nan for f
        INF, INFINITY and NAN for F.
e, E    double value in standard form (d.dde±dd or d.ddE±dd).
g, G    double in either normal or exponential notation, whichever is more 
        appropriate for its magnitude.
a, A    double in hexadecimal notation, starting with 0x or 0X.
x, X    unsigned int as a hexadecimal number.
o   unsigned int in octal.
s   null-terminated string.
c   char (character).
p   void* (pointer to void) in an implementation-defined format.
n   Print nothing, but writes the number of characters written so far into 
        an integer pointer parameter.


int scanf(const char *format, ...)
// Return number of receiving arguments successfully assigned.
// Or return EOF if input failure occurs before the first argument was assigned.

// Format placeholder syntax

[*] indicates the data read from the stream will be omitted
[width] specifies the maximum chars read from the stream

// type field
[set]   matches a non-empty sequence of character from set of characters.
        If the first character of the set is ^, then all characters not in the 
        set are matched. If the set begins with ] or ^] then the ] character 
        is also included into the set. It is implementation-defined whether the 
        character - in the non-initial position in the scanset may be indicating 
        a range, as in [0-9]. If width specifier is used, matches only up to 
n   returns the number of characters read so far.

memcpy(), memmove()

// in string.h

void* memcpy(void *restrict dest, const void *restrict src, size_t count)
// Copy [count] chars from src to dest as unsigned char array.
// the behavior is undefined if the objects overlap. 
// The behavior is undefined if access occurs beyond the end of the dest array.
// The behavior is undefined if either dest or src is an invalid or null pointer.

void* memmove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t count);
// Copy [count] chars from src to dest as unsigned char array.
// The objects may overlap.
// The behavior is undefined if access occurs beyond the end of the dest array.
// The behavior is undefined if either dest or src is an invalid or null pointer.

qsort(), bsearch()

// in stdlib.h

void qsort( void *ptr, size_t count, size_t size,
            int (*comp)(const void *, const void *) )
// Sorts the array pointed to by ptr in ascending order.
// If comp indicates two elements as equivalent, their order is unspecified.

void* bsearch( const void *key, const void *ptr, size_t count, size_t size,
               int (*comp)(const void*, const void*) );
// Finds an element in an ascending array pointed to by ptr.
// Return the pointer to an element equal to *key, or null pointer if not found.

// Example:
int comp(const void *a, const void *b) {
    return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;

int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
qsort(a, 5, sizeof(int), comp);

int key = 3;
int *res = bsearch(&key, a, 5, sizeof(int), comp);

rand(), srand()

// Returns a pseudo-random integer value between ​0​ and RAND_MAX
// If rand() is used before any calls to srand(), rand() behaves as if it was seeded with srand(1).
int rand();

// Seeds the pseudo-random number generator used by rand() with the value seed.
void srand( unsigned seed );

C libaries


time_t time(time_t *seconds)
// Returns the seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
// If seconds is not NULL, the return value is also stored in variable seconds.

clock_t clock(void)
// Returns the number of clock ticks elapsed since the program was launched
//accurate to seconds
time_t start = time(NULL);
time_t end = time(NULL);
printf("time = %lf\n", difftime(end, start));   //in time.h

//accurate to milliseconds
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end = clock();
printf("time = %lf\n",(double)(end-start)/CLK_TCK);


void Sleep(DWORD dwMilliseconds)
// Suspend the current thread for a specific time
// In Windows, the argument is milliseconds

// Retrieve the frequency of the performance counter.
// Retrieve the current value of the performance counter,
//accurate to microseconds
long long freq = num.QuadPart;

long long start = num.QuadPart; 
long long end = num.QuadPart;

printf("time = %lf\n",(double)(end - start)/freq);


int gettimeofday(struct timeval*tv, struct timezone *tz)
// Return the number of seconds and microseconds since the Epoch.

struct timeval{
    long int tv_sec;  //seconds
    long int tv_usec; //microseconds
//accurate to microseconds
struct timeval start, end;

gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

long timeuse = 1000000*(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
printf("time = %lf\n", timeuse/1000000.0);