


11.1 Introduction to Trees

Terminologies of Trees

Definition 1 A tree is a connected undirected graph with no simple circuits.

Forest is an undirected graph with no simple circuits. Each connected components of forest is a tree.

Theorem 1 An undirected graph is a tree if and only if there is a unique simple path between any two of its vertices.

Definition 2 A rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex has been designated as the root and every edge is directed away from the root.

Vertices with the same parent are called siblings

The ancestors of a non-root vertex are all the vertices in the path from root to this vertex. The descendants of vertex \(v\) are all the vertices that have \(v\) as an ancestor.

A vertex is called a leaf if it has no children. A vertex is called an internal vertex if it has children.

The subtree at vertex \(v\) is the subgraph of the tree consisting of vertex \(v\) and its descendants and all edges incident to these descendants.

Definition 3 A rooted tree is called an m-ary tree if every internal vertex has no more than \(m\) children. The tree is called a full m-ary tree if every internal vertex has exactly \(m\) children. An \(m\)-ary tree with \(m = 2\) is called a binary tree.

Properties of Trees

Theorem 2 A tree with \(n\) vertices has \(n − 1\) edges.

Theorem 3 A full m-ary tree with \(i\) internal vertices contains \(n=mi+1\) vertices.

Theorem 4 A full m-ary tree with - \(n\) vertices has \(i=(n-1)/m\) internal vertices and \(l=[(m-1)n+1]/m\) leaves - \(i\) internal vertices has \(n=mi+1\) vertices and \(l=(m-1)i+1\) leaves - \(l\) leaves has \(n=(ml-1)/(m-1)\) vertices and \(i=(l-1)/(m-1)\) internal vertices

The level of vertex \(v\) in a rooted tree is the length of the unique path from the root to \(v\). The height of a rooted tree is the maximum of the levels of its vertices. A rooted m-ary tree of height \(h\) is called balanced if all its leaves are at levels \(h\) or \(h-1\).

Theorem 5 There are at most \(m^h\) leaves in an m-ary tree of height \(h\).

Corollary 1 If an m-ary tree of height \(h\) has \(l\) leaves, then \(h \ge \lceil \log_ml \rceil\). If the m-ary tree is full and balanced, then \(h = \lceil \log_m l \rceil\).

11.2 Applications of Trees

Binary Search Trees

Vertices are assigned keys so that the key of a vertex is both larger than the keys of all vertices in its left subtree and smaller than the keys of all vertices in its right subtree.

If \(U\) has \(n\) internal vertices, the height of \(U\) is greater than or equal to \(h = \lceil \log_2(n+1) \rceil\).

Decision Trees

Rooted trees can be used to model problems in which a series of decisions leads to a solution.

A rooted tree in which each internal vertex corresponds to a decision, with a subtree at these vertices for each possible outcome of the decision, is called a decision tree.

Prefix Codes

To ensure that no bit string corresponds to more than one sequence of letters, the bit string for a letter must never occur as the first part of the bit string for another letter. Codes with this property are called prefix codes.

$ \textbf{procedure } Huffman (C: \text{ symbols } a_i \text{ with frequencies } w_i, i = 1, … , n) \ F := \text{forest of } n \text{ rooted trees, each consisting of the single vertex and } a_i \ \qquad \text{assigned weight } w_i \ \textbf{while } F \text{ is not a tree} \ \qquad \text{Replace the rooted trees } T \text{ and } T' \text{ of least weights from } F \text{ with } w(T) \ \qquad ≥ w(T') \text{ with a tree having a new root that has } T \text{ as its left subtree} \ \qquad \text{and } T' \text{ as its right subtree. Label the new edge to } T \text{ with } 0 \text{ and the new} \ \qquad \text{edge to } T' \text{ with } 1. \ \qquad \text{Assign } w(T) + w(T') \text{ as the weight of the new tree.} \ {\text{the Huffman coding for the symbol } a_i \text{ is the concatenation of he labels of} \ \text{the edges in the unique path from the root to the vertex } a_i} $

11.3 Tree Traversal

Traversal Algorithms

Suppose that \(T_1, T_2, … , T_n\) are the subtrees at \(r\) from left to right, then: Preorder Traversal: \(r, T_1, T_2, \cdots, T_n\) Inorder Traversal: \(T_1, r, T_2, \cdots, T_n\) Postorder Traversal: \(T_1, T_2, \cdots, T_n, r\)

Start at the root and traverse counterclockwise around the tree, while imagining each vertex has \(m\) children, then: In preorder traversal, list a vertex when encounter it at the first time; In inorder traversal, list a vertex when encounter it at the second time; In postorder traversal, list a vertex when encounter it at the last time;

Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Notation

A binary expression tree is a special kind of binary tree in which: 1. Each leaf node contains a single operand; 2. Each nonleaf node contains a single operator; 3. The left and right subtrees of an operator node represent subexpressions that must be evaluated before applying the operator at the root of the subtree.

The fully parenthesized expression obtained in inorder is said to be in infix form. We obtain the prefix form (Polish notation) of an expression when we traverse the binary expression tree in preorder, postfix form (reverse Polish notation) when in postorder.

To evaluate a prefix expression, the steps is to start at the right, and then push when encounter operand, pop when encounter operator. To evaluate a postfix expression, the steps is to start at the left, and then push when encounter operand, pop when encounter operator.

For \(((x + y) \uparrow 2) + ((x − 4)/3)\), The prefix form is \(+ \uparrow +\; x\; y\; 2\; / − x\; 4\; 3\) The postfix form is \(x\;y + 2 \uparrow x\; 4 − 3\; /\; +\)

11.4 Spanning Trees

Let \(G\) be a simple graph. A spanning tree of \(G\) is a subgraph of \(G\) that is a tree containing every vertex of \(G\).

Theorem 1 A simple graph is connected if and only if it has a spanning tree.

Spanning trees can be built up by successively adding edges until the subgraph consists of all vertices.

$ \textbf{procedure } DFS(G: \text{connected graph with vertices } v_1, v_2,… , v_n) \ T := \text{tree consisting only of the vertex } v_1 \ visit(v_1) \ \~\ \textbf{procedure } visit(v: \text{vertex of } G) \ \text{for each vertex } w \text{ adjacent to } v \text{ and not yet in } T \ \qquad \text{add vertex } w \text{ and edge } {v, w} \text{ to } T \ \qquad visit(w) \ $

$ \textbf{procedure } BFS(G: \text{connected graph with vertices } v_1, v_2,… , v_n) \ T := \text{tree consisting only of vertex } v_1 \ L := \text{empty list} \ \text{put } v_1 \text{ in the list } L \text{ of unprocessed vertices} \ \text{while } L \text{ is not empty} \ \qquad \text{remove the first vertex } v \text{ from } L \ \qquad \text{for each neighbor } w \text{ of } v \ \qquad \qquad \text{if } w \text{ is not in } L \text{ and not in } T \text{ then} \ \qquad \qquad \qquad \text{add } w \text{ to the end of the list } L \ \qquad \qquad \qquad \text{add } w \text{ and edge } {v, w} \text{ to } T $

Backtracking Applications

There are problems that can be solved only by performing an exhaustive search of all possible solutions.

One way to search systematically for a solution is to use a decision tree, where each internal vertex represents a decision and each leaf a possible solution.

To find a solution via backtracking, first make a sequence of decisions in an attempt to reach a solution as long as this is possible. The sequence of decisions can be represented by a path in the decision tree. Once it is known that no solution can result from any further sequence of decisions, backtrack to the parent of the current vertex and work toward a solution with another series of decisions

11.5 Minimum Spanning Trees

A minimum spanning tree in a connected weighted graph is a spanning tree that has the smallest possible sum of weights of its edges.

Prim’s Algorithm

$ \textbf{procedure } Prim(G: \text{weighted connected undirected graph with } n \ \qquad\text{ vertices}) \ T := \text{a minimum-weight edge} \ \text{for } i := 1 \text{ to } n − 2 \ \qquad e := \text{an edge of minimum weight incident to a vertex in } T \text{ and not} \ \qquad \qquad \text{forming a simple circuit in } T \text{ if added to } T \ \qquad T := T \text{ with } e \text{ added} \ \text{return } T \;{T \text{ is a minimum spanning tree of } G} $

Kruskal’s Algorithm

$ \textbf{procedure } Kruskal(G: \text{weighted connected undirected graph with } n \ \qquad \text{ vertices}) \ T := \text{empty graph} \ \text{for } i := 1 \text{ to } n − 1 \ \qquad e := \text{any edge in } G \text{ with smallest weight that does not form a simple} \ \qquad \qquad \text{circuit when added to } T \ \qquad T := T \text{ with } e \text{ added} \ \text{return } T \;{T \text{ is a minimum spanning tree of } G} $