



Comment: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + C Decomment: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + U


Indent: Ctrl + ] Dedent: Ctrl + [


Fold: Ctrl + Shift + [ or Ctrl + K and Ctrl + 0 Unfold:Ctrl + Shift + ] or Ctrl + K and Ctrl + J


Formatting: Shift + Alt + F, Ctrl + K and Ctrl + F

Files, Editors, Windows

Go to file: Ctrl + P Open resent files/directory: Ctrl + R Open files from computer: Ctrl + O Open directorys from computet: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + O

Close Editor: Ctrl + W Close All Editors: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + W Reopen Closed Editor: Ctrl + Shift + T

Open Previous Recently Used Editor In Group: Ctrl + Tab Open Least Recently Used Editor In Group: Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Open Active File in New Window: Ctrl + K and O Open Folder: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + O Close Window: Ctrl + Shift + W

In File

Go to Line: Ctrl + G Go to Symble: Ctrl + Shift + O Go to Next Problem: F8 Go to Previous Problem: Shift + F8

Activity Bar

Explorer: Ctrl + Shift + E (L to open selected file) Search: Ctrl + Shift + F Source Control: Ctrl + Shift + G Run and Debug: Ctrl + Shift + D Extensions: Ctrl + Shift + X

Others Pages

Show all commands: Ctrl + Shift + P/F1 Open Settings: Ctrl + , Open Terminal: Ctrl + ` Open Side Preview: Ctrl + K and V Open Shortcuts: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + S


File Operation

  • Rename: F2
  • Delete: Delete
  • New Text File: Ctrl + N
  • New File: Ctrl + Alt + Windows + N
  • New Folder: Ctrl + Shift + N

Line Operation

  • Move a line: Alt + Arrow
  • Copy a line: Shift + Alt + Arrow
  • Add a line down: Ctrl + Enter
  • Select currend line: Ctrl + L
  • Delete currunt line: Ctrl + Shift + K

Selection Operation

  • Find: Ctrl + F ( Shift + Enter for previous)
  • Replace: Ctrl + H ( Ctrl + Alt + Enter for replace all)
  • Add Selection To Next Find Match: Ctrl + D
  • Focus And Select Breadcrumbs: Ctrl + Shift + .

  • Box Selection: MSB

  • Add a cursor: Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Alt + LSB
  • Create cursor on all occurrence of the word: Ctrl + Shift + L

Split Editor

  • Split Editor: Ctrl + \
  • Split Editor Orthogonal: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + \