

Create Figures

    FigureClass=<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>,
) -> Figure
  • num : int | str | .Figure | .SubFigure
    • A unique identifier for the figure.
    • If a figure with that identifier already exists, this figure is made active and returned.
    • If there is no figure with the identifier or num is not given, a new figure is created, made active and returned.
    • If num is an int, it will be used for the Figure.number attribute, otherwise, an auto-generated integer value is used (starting at 1 and incremented for each new figure).
    • If num is a string, the figure label and the window title is set to this value.
    • If num is a SubFigure, its parent Figure is activated.
  • figsize : (float, float)
    • Width, height in inches.
    • Default is (6.4, 4.8).
  • dpi : float
    • The resolution of the figure in dots-per-inch.
    • Default is 100.
  • frameon : If False, suppress drawing the figure frame, which means some arguments will become invalid.
  • clear : If True and the figure already exists, then it is cleared.

Create Subplot

  • fig.add_subplot(*args, **kwargs) -> Axes
    • Add an ~.axes.Axes to the figure as part of a subplot arrangement.
    • *args : int | (int, int, int) | .SubplotSpec
      • Three integers (nrows, ncols, index). The subplot will take the index position on a grid with nrows rows and ncols columns.
      • index starts at 1 in the upper left corner and increases to the right.
      • index can also be a two-tuple specifying the (first, last) indices (1-based, and including last) of the subplot,.
      • A 3-digit integer. The digits are interpreted as if given separately as three single-digit integers.
      • A .SubplotSpec.
    • projection : {None, 'aitoff', 'hammer', 'lambert', 'mollweide', 'polar', 'rectilinear', str}
      • The projection type of the subplot.
      • str is the name of a custom projection.
      • The default None results in a 'rectilinear' projection.
    • polar : bool
      • If True, equivalent to projection='polar'.
    • sharex, sharey : ~.axes.Axes
      • The axis will have the same limits, ticks, and scale as the axis of the shared axes.
  • plt.subplot(*args, **kwargs) -> Axes
    • Add an Axes to the current figure or retrieve an existing Axes.
  • plt.subplots(*args, **kwargs) -> (Figure, Axes)
    • Create a figure and a set of subplots.

Show and Save

  • plt.show(*, block=None) Display all open figures.
  • plt.imshow(X, cmap=None, norm=None, *)
    • Display data as an image, i.e., on a 2D regular raster.
    • X : array-like or PIL image.
    • cmap : str or ~matplotlib.colors.Colormap
      • The Colormap instance or registered colormap name used to map scalar data to colors.
    • norm : str or ~matplotlib.colors.Normalize
      • The normalization method used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range.
      • By default, a linear scaling is used, mapping the lowest value to 0 and the highest to 1.
  • plt.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
    • Save the current figure.
    • fname : str or path-like or binary file-like
    • format : The file format, e.g. 'png', 'pdf', 'svg', .... The behavior when this is unset is documented under fname.

Modify Axes

Add Title

  • plt.title(label, fontdict=None, loc=None, pad=None, *, y=None, **kwargs)
  • ax.set_title(label, fontdict=None, loc=None, pad=None, *, y=None, **kwargs)
    • Set a title for the Axes.
    • label : str
      • Text to use for the title
    • fontdict : dict
      • A dictionary controlling the appearance of the title text.
    • loc : {'center', 'left', 'right'}
    • y : float
      • Vertical Axes location for the title (1.0 is the top).
    • pad : float
      • The offset of the title from the top of the Axes, in points.

Add Label

  • plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, *, loc=None, **kwargs)
  • ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, *, loc=None, **kwargs)
    • Set the label for the x-axis.
    • xlabel : The label text.
    • labelpad : float
      • Spacing in points from the Axes bounding box including ticks and tick labels. If None, the previous value is left as is.
    • loc : {'left', 'center', 'right'}
  • plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, *, loc=None, **kwargs)
  • ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, *, loc=None, **kwargs)
    • Set the label for the y-axis.

Set Limit

  • ax.set_xlim(left, right)
  • ax.set_xlim((left, right))
  • ax.set_ylim(bottom, top)
  • ax.set_ylim((bottom, top))
  • ax.get_xlim() -> (left, right)
  • ax.get_ylim() -> (bottom, top)
  • plt.xlim() is equivalent to ax.get_xlim()
  • plt.xlim(left, right) is equivalent to ax.set_xlim(left, right)
  • plt.ylim() is equivalent to ax.get_ylim()
  • plt.ylim(bottom, top) is equivalent to ax.set_ylim(bottom, top)

Set Ticks

  • ax.set_xticks(ticks, labels=None, *, minor=False, **kwargs)
    • Set the xaxis' tick locations and optionally labels.
    • ticks : list of floats
    • labels : list of str, optional
    • minor : If False, set the major ticks; if True, the minor ticks.
  • ax.set_xticklabels(labels, *, fontdict=None, minor=False, **kwargs)
    • Set the xaxis' labels with list of string labels.
    • This method should only be used after fixing the tick positions. Otherwise, the labels may end up in unexpected positions.
  • ax.get_xticks(*, minor=False)
    • Return the xaxis' tick locations in data coordinates.
  • ax.get_xticklabels(minor=False, which=None)
    • Get the xaxis' tick labels.
  • plt.xticks(ticks=None, labels=None, *, minor=False, **kwargs)
    • Get or set the current tick locations and labels of the x-axis.
    • locs, labels = xticks() Get the current locations and labels.
    • plt.xticks([]) Disable xticks.

Set Legend

  • ax.legend(*args, **kwargs)
  • fig.legend(*args, **kwargs)
  • plt.legend(*args, **kwargs)
    • Place a legend on the Axes.
    • handles : A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend.
    • labels : A list of labels to show next to the artists.

Add Text

  • ax.text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs)
    • Add the text s to the Axes at location x, y in data coordinates.
  • ax.annotate(text, xy, xytext=None, xycoords='data', textcoords=None, arrowprops=None, annotation_clip=None, **kwargs)
    • Annotate the point xy with text text.
    • text : str
      • The text of the annotation.
    • xy : (float, float)
      • The point (x, y) to annotate. The coordinate system is determined by xycoords.
    • xytext : (float, float)
      • The position (x, y) to place the text at. The coordinate system is determined by textcoords.
      • Default is xy.
    • arrowprops : dict, optional
      • The properties used to draw a .FancyArrowPatch arrow between the positions xy and xytext. Defaults to None, i.e. no arrow is drawn.

Change Style

Show Config

  • print(matplotlib.rcParams)
  • print(matplotlib.rcParamDafault)
  • print(matplotlib.rc_params())
  • print(matplotlib.get_configdir())